Who wouldn't be excited about getting the recording underway? All of us were...Agapella was of one mind, one heart and one purpose. The target's one song per recording - that would be ideal. So after AGAPELLA's first recording at Loft Studio, it seemed mangeable. Not the easiest at first because singing for the purpose of producing a CD album is in stark contrast to singing and jigging at a gig. Being one of three (sometimes four) basses, you hear far fewer voices and only one part when you sing your part in the recording. So all the awkward silence is made most deafening and every single sound you make gets recorded and stands out most prominently. You can imagine how definite and to the exact note and precision timing we all had to be.

At our second recording last Sunday, all started well, but after about 7 hours, I was exhausted. Exhausted from all that waiting till when your part is asked to record and just tired from a full day out. I never expected to work my tear ducts (hadn't had a need for them) till my solo bit. It had all of THREE words. How tough could it be? But I just couldn't sing them without going into vibrato (was told to cut it out), running out of breath or keeping an inconsistent volume throughout. Those three words were to be the last few words to the song 'Follow That Star' and try as I could, none of the numerous takes made the cut that night. My ego went splat, my voice was hoarse, my spirit was broken, my confidence shattered. I felt so very low, the pits! The rest of Agapella were tired. Who wasn't as we all waited our turn. I wasn't intending to waste everyone's time doing re-take after re-take, but I did. But by the end of the night, those three words remain unsung and unmixed. It was true I was still on the tail end of a bout of cold and the phelgm didn't help.
But looking back, Zech 4:6 reminded me that it's not by might (not the volume I can produce), nor by power (now my breath control) but by His Spirit. Did I commit everything to Him? Did I tell God, "Use it for your glory Lord! Use all of me!" Did I rely on my strength instead of His?

It helped that Agapella didn't leave me alone to wallow in my misery. How comforting it was when I received text message after text message of encouragement, expressions of camaraderie, empathy and indetification. One member even said a prayer for me over the phone. How precious to have such companionship. I'd never seen this very personal and special side of each one in Agapella before - so real, so genuine, so loving. There never had been a lower point for me in Agapella than that. Truly, we're way more than a group that sings, we're a body of believers that spurs each another on from the deepest darkest valley through to the most maginificent peak.
To read more about how God made the recording possible for Agapella, please visit www.agapella.blogspot.com