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Friday, December 29, 2006

Another Year Is Dawning

My adoption of a hymn writer's prayer at the close of 2006 and the unfolding of 2007:

Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
In working or in waiting, another year with Thee.
Another year of progress, another year of praise,
Another year of proving Thy presence all the days.

Another year of mercies, of faithfulness and grace,
Another year of gladness in the shining of Thy face;
Another year of leaning upon Thy loving breast;
Another year of trusting, of quiet, happy rest.

Another year of service, of witness for Thy love,
Another year of training for holier work above.
Another year is dawning, dear Father, let it be
On earth, or else in Heaven, another year for Thee.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Wrappin' Up O-Six

Thursday, 28th December 2006, Singapore - Three hundred and sixty-one days came and went; no more to be relived and retrieved. Only memories of what’s been accomplished and what’s been left unfinished. O-six has presented spectacular top-of-the-world breathtaking heights across the year’s undulating terrain, notwithstanding the damp lonely valleys where only ONE person can and will hear my cry, I give thanks to Him on high.

This year’s largely been a sunny one; ending on a most promising note. Three letters can cap the year and thrust you into an exciting and adrenalin-pulsating freefall into the next three sixty-five of days. They are “Y”, “E” and “S”. If God sees fit, chimes will ring loudly for my fiancee and I as we solidify our love and publicly take our vows in the second half of the new year – a day I was committed our courtship would lead to right from when God first brought us together last year. I have been honoured by God to receive this blessing of a most lovely, patient, gracious, meek and prayerful young lady whom I look forward to taking her hand in marriage next year.

This year saw Dorcas’ completion of her studies and return to Singapore. Even before the year ends, she’s already received a job offer. How timely and good out God is. This Christmas has been my second with the Yaps. The family and its extension have been a blessing to me. By this time next year, I look forward to being part of the family. The family’s theme song continues to resound at every family gathering and truly, if not for the “Wonderful Grace of Jesus”, all this will be naught.

Where my family’s concerned, my parents have been well although dad hasn’t been too well, especially since his eye infection acted up since mid year. He’s showed signs of noticeable aging (on his crown and at the middle), but his antics and sense of humour haven’t waned. Mom’s alright. I continue to have to raise my voice slightly when speaking with her amidst other noise-emitting appliances like the TV. They are otherwise in generally good health. I’ve had less contact with my brother and we only meet on occasions. It saddens me that others know more about his whereabouts and the going-ons in his life than I do. I resolve to bridge this ‘sibling separation’ in the new year, though given personal convictions, it’s easier said than acted upon. With the strength and grace of our Heavenly Father, may I reflect these to a brother, with whom relations have regretfully cooled over the years.

As it may already occur to you based on my writings, my faith is a huge aspect of my life. The true and living God continues to mould me - the way I think, talk and live. I pray I can be a blessing to you and all I come into contact with in my personal capacity as a friend or in my professional capacity at the station. I’ve committed myself in 2007 to serving at church in worship leading and as a Sunday School teacher. Outside of church, I am also most privileged and blessed to be praising Him in Agapella. The group seeks to record and produce our debut album in the new year – a big musical project we covet your prayers for.

Work-wise, there’s still much fulfilment to be found in the show I host on air. I cannot forget the many good relations I’ve forged and strengthened with the many contacts in the course of my interviews and look forward to growing these many. The job’s been very satisfying, with the realisation that what you say, what discussions you conduct and who you speak with can impact so many at a deep level. Colleagues and bosses have been a joy to work with and I dare say this is one job that doesn’t feel like a ‘job’, no wonder I haven’t felt the itch despite entering my seventh year of service with the company in 2007.

God’s been good to me this year and I trust He’s shown Himself real and truly reliable like none other to you as well.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Your Invitation to Hear AGAPELLA this Christmas!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Agapella Dis Christmas!

Need I say YOU'RE INVITED to our public gigs this Christmas!