More than just a newsstand...

Monday, November 27, 2006

Mollification of a Mall

27th November 2006, Singapore - It's the next BIG thing; it truly is. It's 'egantically ginormous' and swallows you up whole. We heard that the way to appease our belly was to get way down there, but it was all stuffy, filled with fumes and metallic boxy objects with black round rubber bottoms. We plodded through a bit before giving up, deciding we might be better off heading to the top for fresh air. So it went there was indeed another lunchtime crowd-puller on the third floor. VivoCity would be THE perfect venue for 'The Amazing Race Asia (Mall)' I tell you. After navigating our way out of the box office area of GV where the mainly teeny-bopper queue snaked some metres, my colleagues and I battled the heat out in the landscaped roof garden to get to the food court. [The architects would do well to have the parameters awninged, lending shelter to visitors come rain or shine.] Leg-stretching exercises commenced after chow-down, this was afterall the island's largest mall boasting a million square feet of retail space.

In a bizarre way, the proportions of this mega mall allows me to draw parallelism with abundant treasures in Christ! We have here a God Who's so so mighty & powerful. He created all things; ordained all things; ruleth over all things. A song aptly sums God up as our 'You Are My All in All". But the fact of the matter is, can we really put God in a box and say we know Him inside out? You could say that for Vivo's tenants given a tour and a test, but not God's riches.

The mall's packed full with wonderful things that we need (and sometimes want). God's packed for us a destiny full of hope and everything that we need to get to that final destination.

I look at God and think, "This great and awesome God who's beyond me, before me, behind, below me and looking over me has got me covered!" Apart from the physical blessings (of which are many luxuries I could go without), He's reminded me from His Word that I've got His attention and I'm one happy beneficiary of His blessings. Blessings I didn't twice about receiving, yet wasn't deserving of them. And even if I deserved them, I'd never have been able to attain them. Ephesians 1:3-8 tells me He's blessed me with 'every spiritual blessing', He chose me before time began, chosen to be holy and blameless, adopting me through Christ Jesus, redeeming me through His blood and forgiving me. Amazing grace! Is that not enough?

Christmas comes by in under a month, and though the ultimate present's been given, our Heavenly Father continues to shower blessing upon blessing on His own. If you think deep and long about it, it's tremendous how much He's blessed you and I. The riches in Abba Father mollifies any mall's enticements and offerings.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Christmas Gigs R On Us!

24th November 2006, Singapore - Festive street lights in late October, piped-in carols in malls in November and Christmas goodies have started pouring into the office! It's beginning to look, sound and taste alot like Christmas.

Let Agapella further add to your Christmas cheer this December!

Come enjoy Agapella's brand of carols at these times and places:
- Fri, 15th Dec, 7pm - 8pm, Library@Orchard
- Wed, 20th Dec, 6.45pm - 8.30pm, Esplanade Concourse

Separately, I've been invited to contribute to the publication VantagePoint. The theme was "Using People, Loving Things". Read the online version here.