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Friday, September 09, 2011

Worth more than a Honda!

It feels like 37 years ago that I last posted on my blog...maybe it's because that number means something significant today. So long ago I even had a few gos at figuring out my username and password just to access Blogger again! Infrequent logins and the aging process surely don't go well together. ;oP

So as I mark what's called a 'birthday' (an annual occurence often taken for granted; a celebration when young and despairing when older), I question what birth is. I logged onto and to my surprise, no where do I find 'life' in any of the definitions listed, even though birth has a symbiotic relationship with life.

Life has been largely 'plain sailing' in all manner of expression. Can't say I've hit extremely choppy waters where life and death hung in the balance. Haven't been lowered to the darkest depths of sorrow, the dire straits of poverty nor the loneliness of being despised and isolated.

You could say I've been living well, but what is 'well' and could my life be lived better? By better, can my life be more effectively lived, more impactful, more for beyond-the-now?

For someone in mid-life (althought I still feel 26!), is life about:
- getting a job and slogging it out to keep it secure?
- being drawn into a routine so everything kinda goes auto-pilot?
- needing refreshment and planning the next holiday for a time-out everytime you get exhausted or when a long weekend bumbles down the calendar to be taken advantage of?
- finding pleasures and comforts of life and investing in them like they'd last for eternity?
- moving on from one stage of life (as a natural expectation of human life and relationships) to another?

You'd think you'd have less questions the older you get, but it may well be working in reverse for me.

You see, it wasn't until a week ago at a Christian conference that I was provoked to get some urgent realignment done. Even cars get more regular servicing than I do and I suspect I'm worth more than my Honda! I am convinced that my life needed some sort of a jumpstart, that some parts may require replacement, some areas fixed. In essence, I think my spiritual spark plugs need changing.

After today, I hope to run like a brand new car. You'll still recognise me 'cos I'll still have those small little dents (what some call 'five cents' and 'ten cents' on the outside), but at least I know I'm all good on the inside, and my GPS is functioning perfectly!

Friends, come with me for a ride beyond this journey, because the destination is worth it! If you want a wash-&-polish to a shine, happy to pass you the contact.


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