More than just a newsstand...

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Vulnerability & Friends

28th December 2005, Singapore - The attributes or what we look for in good friends has been called into question. For the longest time, friends are supposed to be pillars of strength, good role models, inspiring and excellent company. But allow me to suggest that the level of friendship also be based on the level of vulnerability between friends.

I feel a sense of liberation at precious occasions with friends where I've been able to be transparent, to share my struggles, to raise questions, to come across as uncertain and lost --- to feel vulnerable. Have you felt vulnerable? Vulnerability is a perfect indicator of the depth of friendship. The deeper and dearer a friend is to you whom you trust, the more comfortable you'd be feeling vulnerable. I've been on both sides of the friendship axis, and I appreciate those who trust me enough to be transparent. Sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it? But I thank God for friends with whom I feel no shame or embarrassment when I make my thoughts and feelings open for picking and prying. To those who know who you are, thank you for your confidence and that I can entrust matters to you in confidence.

At the close of this year, I give thanks for YOU! Yes, you reading The NewsStan(d). You who have been pillars of strength, good role models, inspiring and excellent company, and who have my best at heart at my most vulnerable. Thanks for being a blessing this year. May we be blessed to be a blessing.

Here's to stronger friendships in the new year. God bless you richly!

"Friendship is a priceless gift
It can never be bought or sold
But in the time of trouble
No good thing will it withhold"

~ Unknown

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Poetry @ Christmas ~ Singapore Style

21st December 2005, Singapore - With 4 days to Christmas, editor of The NewsStan(d) turns poet and pokes fun at the season of merriment and glee. Oh what fun it is to write!

(To be sung to the tune of "While Shepherds Watched Their Flocks By Night")
While people throng the malls by night,
all crowded down in town,
the traffic jams they cause on roads,
Cause detours all around,
Cause detours all around.

And when you find a parking lot,
Thinking that you've had it sort.
A car from nowhere vrooms right in.
And you slam your breaks and snort.
To think you had a plot!

You're in the mall, "Where's the lift?!" you yell.
When it finally finds your floor,
The doors they open and what a boar
It's stuffed with shoppers lor.
It's stuffed with shoppers lor.

When you've found your gifts, sheer delight it is,
But there's much much more than this.
You have got to swipe or key your pin
But to do that, queue first please.
To pay you've to queue first please.

When you join the queue with both hands full,
And it's snaking all around.
Not only is there elbow room,
It's nudging all around,
"Stop poking me!", you growl.

... To be continued....

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Hark Now Hear The Durians Sing!

6th December 2005, Singapore - The Esplanade resounds with carols this December. What's been fondly called the "Durian" by locals, the pungence of the King of Fruits will be cancelled out with the perfume of thirteen special ingredients blended together in vocal harmony.

Agapella takes the stage at the Esplanade Concourse for a FREE one-night only public performance on Thurs, 15th December. Showtimes are 7.30pm - 8pm and 8.30pm to 9pm.

The Christian contemporary a cappella group of young professionals are fresh from a gig in Johor Bahru where they carolled at a Boys Brigade event last Sunday. Agapella was also the highlight at World Vision's Christmas celebration held at the YWCA here last Saturday.

Don't miss their only public Christmas gig this Christmas at the Esplanade!