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Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas 2007

This has been a mega year for Agapella. Is it then any surprise that Christmas 2007 has been one of my more meaningful and well-spent Christmases ever? Although our carolling season started in November, we never had it as intense as 5 consecutive days/nights of gigs that happened from 20th to 24th Dec. It was two nights at the Esplanade Concourse (our 3rd Christmas there), an afternoon at Square 2 shopping mall, a Sunday morning at Fairfield Methodist Church's two worship services and Church of Singapore's evening evangelistic service.

Enjoy the photos that marked our time at the Esplanade this Christmas.

(left: Before our Esplanade gig, Simone puts on some finishing touches; they say the eyes speak loudest.)

(below right: Yu Hsien decided he'd let the gals do the work for him. "Alright Averil, you do my face and Shih Huei, you get my cuffs.")

(below: Jameson with a female fan!)

(Below left: Shih Huei chatting at our CD booth.)
(Above right: Appreciative Indian fans who were blown away by the percussive sounds of Jameson!)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Crazy CHRISTmas!

Crazy for all the right reasons! It's ok to be crazy, and even more ok to feel overwhelmingly amazed and amazingly overwhelmed. That's life for me this period.

Soon it's Christmas day and already I can't help but feel overwhelmed by Someone who loves me every bit, the way I am, my insecurities, my inconsistencies, my disloyalties. You don't earn the love, you just receive it. Nothing I could do could make Him love me more. Conversely, nothing in my power could make Him love me less. That's the reason for the Christ of Christmas.

Never had I a busier Christmas season than this, no thanks to Agapella. I did think about the possibility of suffering from Christmas blues and burn-out even before Christmas. What with the CD recording of Agapella's Christmas album that spanned March to September. After seven months of 'carolling' in a studio, you'd expect heartburn thereafter. But if there's any burning sensation, it is the sensation that God's love is mighty powerful and warmer than the warmest sunshine!

I invite you to revist the CHRIST of CHRISTmas.
I invite you to let Agapella share the CHRIST of CHRISTmas with you through music.
I invite you to come to know this CHRIST of CHRISTmas this CHRISTmas.
I invite you to consider CHRIST this CHRISTmas.

That is my CHRISTmas wish and prayer for you...that you 'follow that star' that leads to Him this season.