UPS and downs
I didn't get it. I was hoping to land it. It seemed a wonderful company to work for earning accolades that put it up there amongst the best employers. The MD is a wonderful lady and she'd referred me to her colleagues for the position. The interview went well, but alas it was not my piece of cake to consume. (I have abstained from using the 'dealing-of-cards' analogy as it goes against my values to promote wanton chance-taking and gambling.)
My fiance asked if I was disappointed earlier today. I asked myself that question and the answer was "yes". Was I not supposed to be because I had placed this matter into Sovereign Hands and to yield to His will? Some may argue that there should be no disappointment because it shows I have submitted myself fully to Higher Hands and an Omnipotent God Who sees the big picture. I asked myself what I was disappointed with and the answer was clear. I felt slightly let down that my expectations to be a new member of this corporation didn't materialise. I wasn't disappointed with God, rather, the chance to strike out at something new, refreshingly different and from the outside, an organisation that looked pleasant to work at.
But it's amusing how I was granted season parking at my workplace only yesterday, and perhaps it's one of God's ways of telling me, "Hey! Here you go! I've made it more convenient for you to hang on a while longer before I move you along to some other place at a later date."
My fiance encouraged to keep my chin up and wait for His leading, to which I shall heed. It makes sense when you keep your chin up, for then will you be looking to God on high for direction and purpose. My Saviour will lead His dear children along...I know.