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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Sunrise, Sunset

17th June 2006, Singapore - Eye specialists repeatedly warn us never to look at the sun. But do we listen? No! We look. In fact we don't just look, we stare. And then we take out our trusty gadget (chances are it's a Japanese make) and try to take the picture-perfect postcard shot to share with the world. Dorcas and I would like to share a sunrise and sunset with you. My sunrise (above) via a Canon and her sunset through the lens of a Kyocera. Enjoy the glorious beauty of a sunrise at Salamander Bay at Port Stephens in NSW and the magnificent sunset (below) from Busselton Jetty in Western Australia.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Fei ah fei...

14th June 2006, Singapore - Some see 'stars'. Some talk to them. Some get the opportunity to do both and then, take a photo. Recognise the guy?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

All I ask of YOU

13th June 2006, Singapore - At any one time, everyone has a unique need. From a desperate cry of relief to the discomfort of unfamiliarity and apprehension. What's your unique need right now? "Now" needn't necessarily be this very instant, but a period, a phase, a particular time frame.

Today, I remember:
- Tabby - as she puts up with the drooling and goes on in the Lord's strength to assist the kids with learning difficulties coupled with physical challenges
- Gill - safety and security in Christ since having her home in Brissie burgled twice in under a week (and Boon as he starts life anew with her there)
- Aaron & Nam - as they make their way home from the States
- Tong Hwee - for recovery for her dad who underwent a heart bypass yesterday
- Nelson & David sowing seeds in Tokyo
- Donna - as she is thrust into fulltime motherhood since her maid woes
- Yeen Chin & Karin - as they prepare for their wedding next Friday
- Ben & Lynda - as they likewise make preparation for their big day next month
- U. David - as he spends time in faraway Equador
- U. Kim - as he does humanitarian work in Central Java

Every day is fragile; everyday, everyone has a need that could do with much remembrance and prayer. If you're not having a need, why not 'meet' one today.

As Jeremiah 33:3 says
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.