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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Slumped by the Slump? No...

The economic crisis which until last Thursday was something 'out there', 'remote' and 'distant' hit home and heart on Friday. This recession will be the second slump I'll be experiencing since the SARs episode of 2002/2003. Just like previously, only God can keep me secure and protect me against a complete fall-out from the turbulence gripping the world.

My colleagues (more than 2,500 of them) and I were told of the company's new measures to cut operationg costs. We'll be compelled to work four-day weeks every fortnight from April (which marks the beginning of a new financial year) and to go on enforced leave for up to three days a month. While work days will be scaled back, the workload won't be lessening.

As the tough times get tougher, I see the blessing in being able to take a couple more days off each month to rest, to retreat, to recharge and to realise than I can still rejoice given the circumstances.

Philippians 4:4 says, "Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say, rejoice!"


Blogger sunniefaith said...

Hey....Time for a visit to HK!

Monday, January 12, 2009


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