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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's A Wrap

I hadn't planned to recap my life over the last 365 in a single blog entry and note significant moments and events of highs and lows, but after hearing my cousin-in-law Wayne publicly share how he and his family had been walking through life with God beside them, both on the easy flats and the rocky paths, I was moved to reflection. Could my God who's guided and led me through the past year not receive a single tribute of praise? Have my successes not been His doing? Have the many pits I've fallen into and climbed out of this year not been because of His grace?

The past year has admitedly been anything BUT smooth. Lots of adjustments in all quarters - married life, work life, church life, health and friendships. My response to many of these adjustments ate into me, consequently, my mood suffered. I grew to be less even tempered, easily irritable and basically not a guy whom you'd just want to walk up to and say 'hi' without risking a harsh word for a reply. I have become abrasive...yes, think sandpaper. The only difference is that I wasn't smoothening out people around me but giving them grief and hurting them. To my wife who's been bearing so patiently and silently with my moodiness, I'm sorry for being less than pleasant to be with through our first full year as husband and wife. May I wise up and draw from God's well of joy and be overflowing with it in 2009 rather than let circumstances around me mould the person I am.

2008 also made me sit up and recognise my good health is but by the grace of God. I suffered a nagging ache in my right wrist for most of the third quarter of the year. Gradually, simple acts of turning a door knob, blowing dry your hair and having your hands on the steering wheel became painful. A shot at TCM to rid the problem made me realise it was going to be a long term treatment if the physician was to be believed. A splinter moulded to the shape of my wrist and lower arm was made but wearing it didn't make the pain go away. So I received a cortisone jab into the area and it was the most numbing pain I'd experienced in recent memory. Thank God for bringing to remembrance that youth (I'm kidding myself, I know I'm supposed to be older than that) isn't a guarantee to health, nor is regular fitness and exercise.

Thank God for meaningful employment. Despite helming the talkshow since 2002, the joy and fulfilment of knowing I am in this job because He intended it so, has been strong motivation to enjoy it. I saw how God answered my prayer for a co-host and producer who shared a common faith, values and the same love of wanting to make a positive difference in the lives of listeners. I recognise those to be extremely crucial in making a partnership on air work and God's answered my prayer right down to the detail. Thanks God - you're amazing!

Church life this past year has been so-so. Still loving the worship style and sermons at YCKC and learning how the church functions. I raised my hand to serve as one of four Youth Overseers - almost like mentors but not too far removed in terms of age and generation from the teens. But I've been less than my best. It's a lousy feeling knowing you're like the sleeping partner in the quartet. Lots of reasons (maybe excuses would be more accurate) why I haven't been pulling my weight in the ministry, but with a re-energised spirit and renewed dedication, I will change all that in the new year.

Agapella continued to remain high on my list of what/where I channeled my energies and resources to this year. It's been an fantastic ride since joining the group in 2003 and I haven't run out of voice. I doubt I ever will till I run out of breath. Putting on my economist hat and looking into my astronomist telescope, the year ahead for Agapella looks hazy. Regardless, I'll let God manage the reins of the work He started. Our Lord God Almighty reigns!

Friendships with some colleagues whom I thought were fantastic did an about turn in the third quarter. Almost overnight, I was wallowing in self pity and dreaded meeting them. My faith in friends floundered in the third quarter. I felt that those I'd considered buddies were suddenly making me an outcast. I was an emotional wreck and questioned why this had to happen. I prayed and cried about such friendships that had soured so badly. Again God intervened and allowed my friends and I to meet and present 'each other's case'. It all boiled down to my expectations of them and their suppositions of mine. It was complicated but in the end, it all worked out and we're now buddies again, hanging out and deepening our friendship.

Before 2008 slips away and is archived in history books, I know God won't be slipping away as He takes me by the hand and leads me into the new year. More God-led chapters of life ahead for me...and for you. What assurance to speed into 2009, belted up and secure!

God bless & keep you in the new year!


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