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Monday, June 11, 2007

A Stadium Full of His Glory

It's been a while since I'd experienced the magnificence of God's glory and His awesome power when His people come together. At one of the last few events staged at the soon-to-be imploded National Stadium, Agapella was given the honour of supporting homegrown singer-believer & worship leader Clement Chow at the recent Global Day of Prayer proceedings. Think black gospel group in gowns with arms raised to heaven who sway when they sing and clap their hands - that was our role. Ok, clarification - we weren't in gowns, we could have swayed more and being a more restrained traditionalist (not necessarily a bad thing for all my more 'liberal' friends reading this), my hands were no where near being raised though my spirit was.

The energy was electrifying, The spotlights from the towers shone down on us, but God's glory outshone all! As we sang, the winds blew strongly in our faces, refreshing faces and souls. The majestic build-up of clouds towering way up yonder far beyond the stadium's oval parametres were awesome. They resembled pillars ushering you into the grandest of courts where the mightiest sits on a throne. To our left, a contingent of pastors, preachers, missionary leaders and fellow brethren sat with beaming faces. We were one with them and those who had gathered for this event to remember ourselves and the world in prayer.


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