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Monday, July 10, 2006

Strikes, Spares & Prayers

10th July 2006, Singapore - MediaCorp's men's team emerged victorious at the weekend's Corporate Community Games after a dismal performance at last year's finals. Unleashing just enough strikes and spares, the team of three spinners and a hook bowler rose to the challenge, edging out their nearest rival by a mere 4 pins.

The team's bowling convenor who was absent at the finals, spoke to The NewsStan(d) following the award-presentation ceremony at The Chevrons. "It was a blast to have our team top the qualifiers and roll off in the finals. I knew they had lots to prove following lat year's crash out in the finals. Must have been nerves but they didn't show that this year and it was all about mental mettle".

Citing the need to be at church, the born-again Christian said he'd toyed with the idea of skipping worship service at church to be with his team in the thick of battle. But after careful consideration of his priorities, he felt more at ease to stick to his regular Sunday morning plans and just say a prayer for his bowlers.

"I uttered a silent prayer that our bowlers go out there and do their best and they did. No doubt, divine intervention helped!" He said he was pleased with the news though not totally surprised. "It may have seemed an inconsequential prayer, like so what if God allowed our team to win and so what if He didn't? What honour does it bring Him? Well, the fact that my God answers seemingly trivial requests reassures me He's all the more willing to seriously answer petitions for life's bigger issues. God gets the glory for the win!"

Matthew 6:33
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.


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