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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hatched, Matched & Dispatched

13th September 2005, Singapore - It's said the 3 big occasions of life that people would ever set foot into a church would be when they're 'hatched', 'matched' and 'dispatched'. Loosely suggesting the christening or baptism of a newborn, the wedding and before the funeral. Is that the case for you?

I know I mentioned in my previous entry that I'd spell out the English translation to "Siku Ya Mwana Kondoo" just so you may fully comprehend and appreciate the meaning. That I shall promise to do in my next entry.

As to why I started this post on a tangent is because in 2 days, I had the privilege of attending and playing master-of-ceremonies to two couples - Randy & Winnie (Unicell) and Kelvin & Joanne (Dunearn) over the weekend. It was a physically tiring weekend hosting two dinners back-to-back, but a great honour to share in the celebration of friends and to be able to contribute to the occasion, albeit in a small way. I pray that the faith and hope that Randy & Winnie have in Christ will be the same faith and hope of all I call my friends. What joy when you know your future ISN'T determined by fate, luck or chance! Nor auspicicious dates, numbers, colours, timings and feng shui. Don't you think it just makes one feel so vulnerable, so exposed, so powerless? My feet are planted firmly on solid ground and the reasons is that my God holds my future in His hands. Oh what assurance!

My extended family also rejoiced at the homecall of my uncle (my dad's sister's husband) early on Sunday morning. This uncle had been suffering from stomach cancer for about 12 years and God had preserved His life. My pastor had enquired from a doctor friend the lifespan of a cancer patient who had two-thirds of his stomach removed, to which he was told "no more than 5 years". Yet God was gracious in granting my uncle more than double that prediction; God is sovereign and above even medical examinations, forecasts and statistics. You cannot but praise such a wonderful God Who isn't limited to displaying so much of His grace and every morning. I thank God for this uncle who also visited me during my university days in Brisbane. He loved the coffee and climate there and I was glad he even put on a few kilos during his short visit, despite having a third of a stomach. My cousin who gave the eulogy at last night's vigil service joked that his father had in the last two years never suffered a bout of stomach ache. This was after a full removal of his stomach the last two years of his life, following a new round of cancer cell detection to the remainder of his stomach.

Well, so I witnessed two 'matches' and one 'dispatch' all in a weekend. There were no 'hatches' this weekend but I pray for smooth deliveries void of complications as I see my friends and colleagues who are growing bigger above the waistline. I pray specially for baby Nicholas (Donna's still-swimming-in-the-tummy kiddo) and Gerry's baby. I was heartened to learn how God impressed upon Donna the name for her baby while she prayed and how the name fell on her lips as she did.

Until my next entry...which I promise will be soon. God bless you till the next blog. If you've got a blog, I'd love to be connected with yours. Just prompt me by filling in the comment box.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amazing! I have found you! Mwahaha... :P


Friday, September 16, 2005


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